Are you planning to buy a boat? Then surely you have heard the name “Bark”. Probably at least one of your friends who owns a water transport uses such a means of floating. What is so special about the production of a particular brand that it has gained popularity so quickly and resiliently? It is possible that we can start the answer to this question from the most important criterion that most customers are guided by when buying a pontoon. Unconditionally, it is the price. “Bark” is characterized by prices lower than similar companies offering their products in this area.
At the same time, however, Ukrainian boats “Bark” are not inferior in quality to Western brands. How has this been achieved? The secret of the “Bark” brand is the use of leading production technologies. First of all, it is related to the use of PVC. This material is much cheaper than rubber, but qualitatively it is far superior to it. Thus, it is possible to create products of much higher quality. The production of boats components also uses strong materials such as rubber, plastic, dural (aluminum), stainless steel, waterproof plywood, etc. The result is a boat that will last much longer than similar products from other brands. The production of boats involves several important and responsible stages. By the team stands the task of joining the parts together so that water does not get inside. As a rule, manual labor is used for this purpose. This the possibility of errors and shortcomings in production. “Bark” uses its unique methodology for joining balloons. They are separated into compartments that do not allow the air to come out completely in the event of a puncture during use.
Using such production technologies, the “Bark” brand produces the best models of boats in Ukraine. Our production is comfortable, convenient and safe. At the same time, as mentioned above, they are available for a wide range of users. A great assortment allows you to choose a model suitable for your specific needs. As a rule, the quality of a boat is influenced by the capacity, size and quality of pontoon construction. We can buy a small boat for one-person fishing or hunting at a very affordable price, or buy a slightly more expensive more capacious boat for several people or family recreation.
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