Inflatable boats are in constant demand because, when used on the water, they are safe and sturdy. At a small cost, they can be used in shallow waters. Transport and storage of boats of the category does not pose problems. The capacity of floating means sometimes varies. Among them we distinguish paddle pontoons and motorized pontoons.
Materials used in the manufacture of boats:
Depending on the material from which the boats are made, a division into two groups has been adopted:
Plastomer-based floatables - in particular, vinyl chloride;
Boats based on elastomeric coverings - neoprene, rubber;
Inflatable PVC boats are divided into products with hand glued seams or welded joints. Welded seams are considered better and more secure. The most productive way of joining PVC today is considered high-frequency current processing. Within one cycle, we can get even, long and strong seams that are hardly visible to the eye.
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